
Welcome to the place where peace is just the talk of the day! As you make comments remember the motive that you are writing, PEACE.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Yearning Whispers: A Sonnet for Jalapeño

In the absence of a dog so dear and true,

My heart feels empty, yearning for the sight,

Of Jalapeño's wagging tail and joyful hue, 

Oh, how I long to hold him, day and night.

An empty void consumes my every day,

Since last I gazed upon his loyal face,

His presence brought me warmth like ember's glow,

A bond so pure, no distance can erase.

I hope he roams beneath a gentle sky,

Exploring meadows, fields, and nature's grace,

With every passing moment, my heart sighs,

For his well-being, I fervently embrace.

Though we're apart, my love for Jalapeño soars,

In dreams, I see him, running free, outdoors.

ChatGBT creations.


Can I live a full life?

A string of clear whistles,

After a rainy and thunderous afternoon,

I can sense some tightness in my chest.

Is the existence of pain an indication that we are alive?


Two rusty red breasts,

Two dark heads and backs,

And intimate cheery songs,

One after another with short pauses,

And I am in awe as the Robins approach me.

To remind me that boundless and limitless love exists.

Denis Kariuki

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Peace is every step

 I have lost my smile,

but don't worry.

The dandelion has it.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, 16 June 2023

Stroll by the low flowing stream

How do you make the heart remember,

in the early morning desert sun,

and yet the mind is misty.

The Butterfly lands,

on one lock of hair,

the right eyebrow lifts,

Is that a blush I see?

Revealing just enough of the top teeth.

the wings lightly flutter,

then the pretty gold stripped Spicebrush Swallowtail whispers, “It tickles!”

Denis Kariuki


A body, mind and the trees


I am open to pain Loving You

I am open

glabella tight

stomach lifted

hands clenched

chest dense

and my mind ponders

on how much

I Love You.

My heart Warms

and I Hear

water Swooshing

birds Chirping

wind Hissing

 through the trees

and then nothing.

Denis Kariuki